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Sunday, October 19, 2008

Those were the days

Remember when an afternoon out on dad's shoulders, cotton candy and some face paint was what made the world go 'round?

We had 'family day at Eric's job yesterday. It was very nice, giant blow ups, games,face painting, shows, etc. A one ring circus that had elephants, horses, dogs, a clown all kids of good stuff! Jett just loved it all but that clown that is. Funny much as she wanted to see the elephants and horses she liked the dogs the best I think...of course they made the elephants stand on their hind legs and the man said "up" so now all she talks about it is 'elephant, up'...'man'!

Hope you guys enjoy the photos!

Friday, October 10, 2008

Catch up

I have been slacking with adding photos of Jett to the blog and I wanted to add a few of the newer ones to show everyone just how her personality is forming. She is a living doll and I mean that. She knows what she wants and she wants it when SHE wants it and if you want her to do something...she has no problem with that as long as it is on her time! She is talking so much now there is no more guess work in figuring out just what she wants.
My mom and Dad bought her a carriage for Christmas last year and it has become her favorite toy! She puts all kinds of dolls, blocks, papers, her juice in there and pushes it around the house...she is too funny. She now wants mom to wrap up her dolls in blankets, or dish towels, whatever it is she can get her hands on so they can "sweepin"!

She has come to the point where dress up is a part of everyday life. The shoes the hat the tiara, the necklaces whatever it is that she can get on she will. And SHOES she just loves shoes, any size, color, shape...she takes heals out of the closet and just goes! As a matter of fact first thing in the AM before breakfast....SHOES...flip flops, princess, ANYTHING.
Well, I hope you all enjoy !